Presentations (non-inclusive)

2024, Virtual BER Low-Dose Radiation Research Program Meeting Understanding the mechanism and health consequences of low-dose radiation at a molecular level
2024 Virtual   SNS-HIFIR User Group (SHUG) Town Hall Biological Systems: Advancing health and biomaterials
2024, Puerto Rico BioXFEL Structural Biology Workshop More Crystallization Information and A typical crystallographer.
2023 Baltimore, MD American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting The Mythical Metal – Insights on the Accuracy of Metal Identification in Structural Biology.
2023, Granada, Spain International School on Biological Crystallization Small-Angle Scattering as a complementary technique in structural biology.
2021, Virtual Meeting American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting The ideal crystal for structural biology.
2019, Covington, KY American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting Structural knowledge or X-ray damage? Dose dependent case studies on xylose isomerase revealing structural perturbations.
2019, Granada, Spain International School on Biological Crystallization Small Angle Solution Scattering as a complementary technique in structural biology studies.
2018, Cleveland, OH 76th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference High throughput identification and structural remediation of
promiscuous metals in macromolecular structures
2018, Buffalo, NY ISS National Laboratory 2018 Microgravity Molecular Crystal Growth Workshop Surprises in Space
2018, Lewiston, ME. Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods The Truth Is Out There: Collating, Visualizing and Using Information Obtained from Crystallization Screening
2018, Stanford, CA SSRL/LCLS Annual Users Meeting High-throughput identification of promiscuous metals in macromolecular structures – Remediation and result.
2018, Tempe, AZ Workshop on Scientific opportunities at ASU Compact X-ray Free Electron Laser Brilliance, rate, and accessibility – Opportunities for structural biology with an XFEL in your back pocket
2017, Granada, Spain International School on Biological Crystallization Small Angle Solution Scattering as a complementary technique in structural biology studies.
2018, Lewiston, ME. Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods Methods for the Rapid Detection and Optimization of Submicron Crystals
2017, New Orleans, LA American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting The influence of promiscuous metals on metalloprotein structure: Complementary techniques to separate the good, the bad, and the ugly.
2017, Milwaukee, WI Physics Colloquium All that glitters is not necessarily gold –. The accurate identification of metals in metalloproteins and post X-ray diffraction structural remediation
2016, Oxford, UK Oxford University Probing dynamical structural problems in protein crystallography.
2016, Tokyo, Japan The 2nd International Symposium on Space Science of High Quality Protein Crystallization Technology Biological Macromolecular Crystallization on Orbit: Rationale and Results
2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico SSRL/BioXFEL Structural Biology Workshop From the user’s perspective
2015, Oxford, UK von Delft Group presentation A model is not a structure: Using chemistry and physics to right wrongs and get useful biological information along the way.
2015, Hamburg, Germany Pearson group Crystallization
2015 Remote Access Crystallography Workshop Practical tips and experiences from remote data collection
2015, Granada, Spain International School on Biological Crystallization Efficient High-Throughput Crystallization
2015, Granada, Spain International School on Biological Crystallization Small Angle Scattering as a Complementary Technique in Structural Biology
2015 Crystal Visulaziation
2014 Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complement to X-ray Crystallography
2014, Albuquerque, NM American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting Comparing Chemistry to Outcome: The Development of a Chemical Similarity Metric, Clustering and Visualization to Macromolecular Crystallography.
2014, Hamburg, Germany Eighth International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples Now that you have your crystal …. What do you want to do with it?
2014, Hamburg, Germany ICCBM-15 Comparing Chemistry to Outcome: Coupling a chemical distance metric, with clustering and hierarchal visualization.
2014, Nottingham, UK CCP4 Annual Meeting Practicing safe SAXS (or what goes on behind the beamstop)
2013, Warwick, UK Twenty-eighth European Crystallographic Meeting The mechanism of radiation damage revealed by EPR, UV-visible microspectrophotometry, and X-ray diffraction studies
2013, Honolulu, Hawaii American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting High-throughput SAXS as a Complement to Crystallography.
2013, Yale, New Haven, CT Yale Pharmacology Seminar Series Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complementary Structural Biology Technique: Perils, Pitfalls, and Potential
2013, Orlando, FL American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Growth Rate Dispersion, a Predictive Indicator for Biological Crystal Samples that Improve in Microgravity
2013, Granada, Spain International School on Biological Crystallization What’s in a drop? Correlating Observations and Outcomes to Guide Macromolecular Crystallization Experiments
2013, Huntsville, AL CASIS Workshop Exploiting On-Orbit Crystal Properties for Structural Studies of Medically and Economically Important Proteins
2013, Galveston, TX Annual Structural Biology Symposium Crystals – how quaint! High-throughput developments for structural biology
2013, Galveston, TX Annual Structural Biology Symposium Small Angle Scattering as a Complementary Technique in Structural Biology
2013, Granada, Spain International School on Biological Crystallization
2012, Huntsville, AL 13th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules Developing Tools to Transition High-Throughput Crystallization to High-output Crystallography
2012, Diamond, Didcot, UK. Seventh International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples
2012, Grenoble, France. International SAXS advisory group Developing Tools to Transition High-Throughput Crystallization to High-output Crystallography
2012, Leeds, UK SAXS Course Leeds 2012 A Complementary Approach to Studying Eukaryotic Glutaminyl-tRNA Synthetase: A Combination of SAXS, Crystallography and Molecular Modeling
2012, SSRL, Menlo Park, CA Memorial workshop Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complementary Tool in the Structural Biology Laboratory: A case study with tRNA synthetase
2012, Oxford, UK Structural Genomics Group2 Developing tools to transition high-throughput crystallization to high-output crystallography
2012, Menlo Park, CA SAXS Workshop at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complementary Tool in the Structural Biology Laboratory: A case study with tRNA synthetase
2012, Rutgers, NJ North East Structural Genomics group annual meeting
2011, New Orleans, LA American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting Crystal Cookery – Using High-Throughput Technologies and the Grocery Store as a Teaching Tool.
2011, Leeds, UK Leeds University BioSAXS data processing and interpretation
2011, Melbourne, Australia C3 Users Meeting
2010, Pittsburgh, PA 65th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference The application of high-throughput technologies to structural studies.
2010, Chicago, IL American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting Visualizing Protein Dynamics: a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach.
2010, Dublin, Ireland International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules The application of high-throughput technologies to fundamental crystallization research
2011, Leeds, UK Leeds University Visualizing Protein Dynamics: a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach
2010, NIH, Bethesda, MD NIGMS Workshop: Enabling Technologies in Structure
and Function
Structural Information from 77% of Targets: High-Throughput SAXS as a Complementary Component to a Structural Pipeline.
2010, Lewiston, ME. Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods Visualizing Protein Dynamics: a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach
2010, Brookhaven, NY. NSLS-II planning meeting Robots, Restaurants and Rube Goldberg: A Combined Crystallography, SAXS and Computational Approach to the Structure of Gln4 – Yeast Glutaminyl tRNA Synthetase
2009, Pittsburgh, PA Remote Access Crystallography at SSRL Workshop Preparing your samples for the synchrotron (and practical advice for the experiment)
2009, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA SSRL/LCLS Annual Users Meeting Visualizing protein dynamics; a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach
2009, SSRL, Menlo Park, CA Remote User Workshop Preparing your samples for the synchrotron (and practical advice for the experiment)
2009, CHESS, Ithaca, NY CHESS Users Meeting Visualizing protein dynamics; a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach.
2008, Waterville Valley, NH Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry Are X-rays damaging to Structural Biology? A case study with Xylose Isomerase
2008, Lewiston, ME. Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods Are X-rays damaging to structural biology? A case study with xylose isomerase
2008, Knoxville, TN American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting Practical Approaches to Improving the Formation and Diffraction-quality of Protein Crystals
2008, Vigilen, Switzerland RD5 – The 5th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to Biological Samples Are X-rays damageing to structural biology? A case study with xylose isomerase
2008 Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference Where to go next and not loose ‘all’ your hair
2008 Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference The three R’s of a good structure, Resolution, Refinement and Reality
2008, Keystone, Colorado Keystone Coference on Fronteirs in Structural Biology Order from Chaos
2007, Nancy, France Lecompte Laboratory Are X-rays damaging to structural crystallography?
2007, Buffalo, NY 65th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference Order from chaos: The design and interpretation of high-throughput crystallization screens to guide optimization
2007, Melbourne, Australia Remote Access Crystalography at SSRL Workshop Practical tips and experiences from remote data collection
2007, Salt Lake City, UT American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting Crystal Crystal Heating in a Third Generation Synchrotron X-ray Beam,
a Significant Factor or Not?
2006, Buffalo, NY CHTSB Meeting X-ray Data Collection: At HWI and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
2006, Rochester, NY Biochemistry and Biophysics Seminar Practical aspects of macromolecular crystallography at third generation synchrotron sources – Cryocooling, beam heating and radiation damage
2006 Hawaii American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting Thermal Imaging Applied
to Cryocrystallography:
Cryocooling and Beam Heating
2006 Spring-8, Japan Fourth International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples Thermal Imaging Applied
to Cryocrystallography:
Cryocooling and Beam Heating
2006, Buffalo, NY Remote Access Crystalography at SSRL Workshop Preparing your samples for the synchrotron (and practical advice for the experiment)
2005, Hamilton, Canada Buffalo, Hamiliton, Toronto meeting Heat and Radiation effects at Synchrotrons
2005 Macromolecular Crystallography at Synchrotrons
2004, Buffalo, NY Hot Stuff? Thermal imaging applied to cryocrystallography Hot stuff? Thermal imaging applied to cryocrystallogrpahy
2004, Louisville, KY Microgravity Crystallization
2004, Bejing, China The 10th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules Crystal Quality – The long and the short of it
2004, Toledo, OH Hot stuff? Thermal imaging applied to cryocrystallogrpahy
2004, Berkeley, CA Finding the cold needle in the warm haystack: Infrared imaging applied to locating cryocooled crystals
2004, Tokai-mura, Japan Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute Optimizing crystal volume for neutron diffraction studies
2004 Microgravity and Neutron Crystalography
2003, Oak Ridge, TN Phoenix Camera Working Group meeting Hot views on cold crystals: The application of thermal imaging in cryo-crystallography
2003, Covington, KY American Crystallographic Association Conference Hot views on cold crystals: The application of thermal imaging in cryo-crystallography
2002, Idaho Accelerator Center Journeys in Reciprocal Space
2002, Geneva, Switzerland International Union of Crystallography Congress XIX Seeing the heat: Studies of cryocrystallography with infrared imaging
2001, Chicago, NY Second International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples
1998, Granada, Spain International Meeting ont he Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules Reciprocal Space Mapping of Macromolecular Crystals in the Laboratory