Presentations (non-inclusive)
2024, Virtual | BER Low-Dose Radiation Research Program Meeting | Understanding the mechanism and health consequences of low-dose radiation at a molecular level |
2024 Virtual | SNS-HIFIR User Group (SHUG) Town Hall | Biological Systems: Advancing health and biomaterials |
2024, Puerto Rico | BioXFEL Structural Biology Workshop | More Crystallization Information and A typical crystallographer. |
2023 Baltimore, MD | American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting | The Mythical Metal – Insights on the Accuracy of Metal Identification in Structural Biology. |
2023, Granada, Spain | International School on Biological Crystallization | Small-Angle Scattering as a complementary technique in structural biology. |
2021, Virtual Meeting | American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting | The ideal crystal for structural biology. |
2019, Covington, KY | American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting | Structural knowledge or X-ray damage? Dose dependent case studies on xylose isomerase revealing structural perturbations. |
2019, Granada, Spain | International School on Biological Crystallization | Small Angle Solution Scattering as a complementary technique in structural biology studies. |
2018, Cleveland, OH | 76th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference | High throughput identification and structural remediation of promiscuous metals in macromolecular structures |
2018, Buffalo, NY | ISS National Laboratory 2018 Microgravity Molecular Crystal Growth Workshop | Surprises in Space |
2018, Lewiston, ME. | Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods | The Truth Is Out There: Collating, Visualizing and Using Information Obtained from Crystallization Screening |
2018, Stanford, CA | SSRL/LCLS Annual Users Meeting | High-throughput identification of promiscuous metals in macromolecular structures – Remediation and result. |
2018, Tempe, AZ | Workshop on Scientific opportunities at ASU Compact X-ray Free Electron Laser | Brilliance, rate, and accessibility – Opportunities for structural biology with an XFEL in your back pocket |
2017, Granada, Spain | International School on Biological Crystallization | Small Angle Solution Scattering as a complementary technique in structural biology studies. |
2018, Lewiston, ME. | Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods | Methods for the Rapid Detection and Optimization of Submicron Crystals |
2017, New Orleans, LA | American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting | The influence of promiscuous metals on metalloprotein structure: Complementary techniques to separate the good, the bad, and the ugly. |
2017, Milwaukee, WI | Physics Colloquium | All that glitters is not necessarily gold –. The accurate identification of metals in metalloproteins and post X-ray diffraction structural remediation |
2016, Oxford, UK | Oxford University | Probing dynamical structural problems in protein crystallography. |
2016, Tokyo, Japan | The 2nd International Symposium on Space Science of High Quality Protein Crystallization Technology | Biological Macromolecular Crystallization on Orbit: Rationale and Results |
2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico | SSRL/BioXFEL Structural Biology Workshop | From the user’s perspective |
2015, Oxford, UK | von Delft Group presentation | A model is not a structure: Using chemistry and physics to right wrongs and get useful biological information along the way. |
2015, Hamburg, Germany | Pearson group | Crystallization |
2015 | Remote Access Crystallography Workshop | Practical tips and experiences from remote data collection |
2015, Granada, Spain | International School on Biological Crystallization | Efficient High-Throughput Crystallization |
2015, Granada, Spain | International School on Biological Crystallization | Small Angle Scattering as a Complementary Technique in Structural Biology |
2015 | Crystal Visulaziation | |
2014 | Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complement to X-ray Crystallography | |
2014, Albuquerque, NM | American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting | Comparing Chemistry to Outcome: The Development of a Chemical Similarity Metric, Clustering and Visualization to Macromolecular Crystallography. |
2014, Hamburg, Germany | Eighth International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples | Now that you have your crystal …. What do you want to do with it? |
2014, Hamburg, Germany | ICCBM-15 | Comparing Chemistry to Outcome: Coupling a chemical distance metric, with clustering and hierarchal visualization. |
2014, Nottingham, UK | CCP4 Annual Meeting | Practicing safe SAXS (or what goes on behind the beamstop) |
2013, Warwick, UK | Twenty-eighth European Crystallographic Meeting | The mechanism of radiation damage revealed by EPR, UV-visible microspectrophotometry, and X-ray diffraction studies |
2013, Honolulu, Hawaii | American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting | High-throughput SAXS as a Complement to Crystallography. |
2013, Yale, New Haven, CT | Yale Pharmacology Seminar Series | Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complementary Structural Biology Technique: Perils, Pitfalls, and Potential |
2013, Orlando, FL | American Society for Gravitational and Space Research | Growth Rate Dispersion, a Predictive Indicator for Biological Crystal Samples that Improve in Microgravity |
2013, Granada, Spain | International School on Biological Crystallization | What’s in a drop? Correlating Observations and Outcomes to Guide Macromolecular Crystallization Experiments |
2013, Huntsville, AL | CASIS Workshop | Exploiting On-Orbit Crystal Properties for Structural Studies of Medically and Economically Important Proteins |
2013, Galveston, TX | Annual Structural Biology Symposium | Crystals – how quaint! High-throughput developments for structural biology |
2013, Galveston, TX | Annual Structural Biology Symposium | Small Angle Scattering as a Complementary Technique in Structural Biology |
2013, Granada, Spain | International School on Biological Crystallization | |
2012, Huntsville, AL | 13th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules | Developing Tools to Transition High-Throughput Crystallization to High-output Crystallography |
2012, Diamond, Didcot, UK. | Seventh International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples | |
2012, Grenoble, France. | International SAXS advisory group | Developing Tools to Transition High-Throughput Crystallization to High-output Crystallography |
2012, Leeds, UK | SAXS Course Leeds 2012 | A Complementary Approach to Studying Eukaryotic Glutaminyl-tRNA Synthetase: A Combination of SAXS, Crystallography and Molecular Modeling |
2012, SSRL, Menlo Park, CA | Memorial workshop | Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complementary Tool in the Structural Biology Laboratory: A case study with tRNA synthetase |
2012, Oxford, UK | Structural Genomics Group2 | Developing tools to transition high-throughput crystallization to high-output crystallography |
2012, Menlo Park, CA | SAXS Workshop at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory | Small Angle X-ray Scattering as a Complementary Tool in the Structural Biology Laboratory: A case study with tRNA synthetase |
2012, Rutgers, NJ | North East Structural Genomics group annual meeting | |
2011, New Orleans, LA | American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting | Crystal Cookery – Using High-Throughput Technologies and the Grocery Store as a Teaching Tool. |
2011, Leeds, UK | Leeds University | BioSAXS data processing and interpretation |
2011, Melbourne, Australia | C3 Users Meeting | |
2010, Pittsburgh, PA | 65th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference | The application of high-throughput technologies to structural studies. |
2010, Chicago, IL | American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting | Visualizing Protein Dynamics: a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach. |
2010, Dublin, Ireland | International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules | The application of high-throughput technologies to fundamental crystallization research |
2011, Leeds, UK | Leeds University | Visualizing Protein Dynamics: a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach |
2010, NIH, Bethesda, MD | NIGMS Workshop: Enabling Technologies in Structure and Function |
Structural Information from 77% of Targets: High-Throughput SAXS as a Complementary Component to a Structural Pipeline. |
2010, Lewiston, ME. | Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods | Visualizing Protein Dynamics: a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach |
2010, Brookhaven, NY. | NSLS-II planning meeting | Robots, Restaurants and Rube Goldberg: A Combined Crystallography, SAXS and Computational Approach to the Structure of Gln4 – Yeast Glutaminyl tRNA Synthetase |
2009, Pittsburgh, PA | Remote Access Crystallography at SSRL Workshop | Preparing your samples for the synchrotron (and practical advice for the experiment) |
2009, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA | SSRL/LCLS Annual Users Meeting | Visualizing protein dynamics; a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach |
2009, SSRL, Menlo Park, CA | Remote User Workshop | Preparing your samples for the synchrotron (and practical advice for the experiment) |
2009, CHESS, Ithaca, NY | CHESS Users Meeting | Visualizing protein dynamics; a combined crystallography, SAXS and computational approach. |
2008, Waterville Valley, NH | Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry | Are X-rays damaging to Structural Biology? A case study with Xylose Isomerase |
2008, Lewiston, ME. | Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods | Are X-rays damaging to structural biology? A case study with xylose isomerase |
2008, Knoxville, TN | American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting | Practical Approaches to Improving the Formation and Diffraction-quality of Protein Crystals |
2008, Vigilen, Switzerland | RD5 – The 5th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to Biological Samples | Are X-rays damageing to structural biology? A case study with xylose isomerase |
2008 | Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference | Where to go next and not loose ‘all’ your hair |
2008 | Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference | The three R’s of a good structure, Resolution, Refinement and Reality |
2008, Keystone, Colorado | Keystone Coference on Fronteirs in Structural Biology | Order from Chaos |
2007, Nancy, France | Lecompte Laboratory | Are X-rays damaging to structural crystallography? |
2007, Buffalo, NY | 65th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference | Order from chaos: The design and interpretation of high-throughput crystallization screens to guide optimization |
2007, Melbourne, Australia | Remote Access Crystalography at SSRL Workshop | Practical tips and experiences from remote data collection |
2007, Salt Lake City, UT | American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting | Crystal Crystal Heating in a Third Generation Synchrotron X-ray Beam, a Significant Factor or Not? |
2006, Buffalo, NY | CHTSB Meeting | X-ray Data Collection: At HWI and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory |
2006, Rochester, NY | Biochemistry and Biophysics Seminar | Practical aspects of macromolecular crystallography at third generation synchrotron sources – Cryocooling, beam heating and radiation damage |
2006 Hawaii | American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting | Thermal Imaging Applied to Cryocrystallography: Cryocooling and Beam Heating |
2006 Spring-8, Japan | Fourth International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples | Thermal Imaging Applied to Cryocrystallography: Cryocooling and Beam Heating |
2006, Buffalo, NY | Remote Access Crystalography at SSRL Workshop | Preparing your samples for the synchrotron (and practical advice for the experiment) |
2005, Hamilton, Canada | Buffalo, Hamiliton, Toronto meeting | Heat and Radiation effects at Synchrotrons |
2005 | Macromolecular Crystallography at Synchrotrons | |
2004, Buffalo, NY | Hot Stuff? Thermal imaging applied to cryocrystallography | Hot stuff? Thermal imaging applied to cryocrystallogrpahy |
2004, Louisville, KY | Microgravity Crystallization | |
2004, Bejing, China | The 10th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules | Crystal Quality – The long and the short of it |
2004, Toledo, OH | Hot stuff? Thermal imaging applied to cryocrystallogrpahy | |
2004, Berkeley, CA | Finding the cold needle in the warm haystack: Infrared imaging applied to locating cryocooled crystals | |
2004, Tokai-mura, Japan | Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute | Optimizing crystal volume for neutron diffraction studies |
2004 | Microgravity and Neutron Crystalography | |
2003, Oak Ridge, TN | Phoenix Camera Working Group meeting | Hot views on cold crystals: The application of thermal imaging in cryo-crystallography |
2003, Covington, KY | American Crystallographic Association Conference | Hot views on cold crystals: The application of thermal imaging in cryo-crystallography |
2002, Idaho Accelerator Center | Journeys in Reciprocal Space | |
2002, Geneva, Switzerland | International Union of Crystallography Congress XIX | Seeing the heat: Studies of cryocrystallography with infrared imaging |
2001, Chicago, NY | Second International Workshop on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples | |
1998, Granada, Spain | International Meeting ont he Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules | Reciprocal Space Mapping of Macromolecular Crystals in the Laboratory |